During This Live Event You Will Learn...
- Mike's secret hints, tips and tricks and get his expert guidance on:
- Pre-show grooming to the show standard.
- Finishing the coat preparation prior to going into the parade-ring.
- Finessing the coat ready for judging.
- Maintaining the coat in tip-top condition throughout the show.
- Presenting your dog in the right way for any big show event.
- Find out what the judges are really looking for?
- Listen to Mike's advice on how to improve your 'ring-craft' and style of presentation.
- There will be a 'live' Q and A session where Mike will answer all your burning questions.
- You will also be able to send questions in prior to the event.
- If you're planning on showing your English Cocker Spaniel at the big event or any show in 2023 this is a training you don't want to miss.
When you sign-up today, you will receive the following:
** Recording of the Show Grooming Masterclass
** Option to Purchase a 'Banded Comb' at a specially discounted price
Many thanks, Mike Wildman.
Classie Dog Grooming - Grooming Dogs Beautifully Since 2002